Pets, Cat, Dog Preservation Taxidermy what does it all mean?>

August 25, 2016 2:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A short primer on the difference between conventional taxidermy and freeze-dry pet preservation – In a typical, traditional taxidermy scenario, a hunter would go out hunting and perhaps take a deer. He would take the deer to a taxidermist, who would skin the animal and tan its hide for mounting. Happy Hunter, invasive procedure.
But with pet preservation, you have quite a different scenario. The hunter with his big buck calls the taxidermist on the happiest of days, conversely the pet owner is calling the preservationist on the saddest of days.
When you call Animal Family Advanced Pet Preservation, we “get that” . If you have been put off by calling local taxidermists about pets and have been treated rudely, understand that will not happen when you call us. We really do care and we offer comfort not the cold shoulder. You will feel much better after you call us. Our customers tell us so!

Next blog will be the differences in preparation between traditional taxidermy and pet preservation.

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This post was written by mmaier

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