How Do You Preserve a Pet for Taxidermy?
November 9, 2022 4:32 pm Leave your thoughtsIf you’re a pet owner and your pet has recently passed away or you’re simply planning for the future, you might be considering the best way to remember your beloved pet. Some people create a special pet memorial, complete with photos, Fido’s favorite toys, and more. For some, this can be a very satisfying way to remember a pet. However, for others, this simply isn’t satisfying enough, which is why many pet owners opt for taxidermy. You might wonder how you preserve a pet for taxidermy, so here is a complete overview that provides everything you need to know.
What is Pet Taxidermy?
Pet taxidermy is a way to completely preserve your pet after its death, giving you the opportunity to have your pet with you for the rest of your life, if you desire. Taxidermy works by removing the animal’s internal organs, whether your pet is a cat, dog, bird, or some other type of animal. Your pet’s body will be cleaned out and properly preserved over several months, depending on the size of the pet. There will be no unpleasant odor to contend with once your pet returns home in its “forever” state.
Once your pet’s body has been completed, he or she will be returned to you looking healthy and attractive, much like it appeared prior to its death. It’s your choice as to whether you want your pet’s eyes open or closed. Some people opt to have their pet’s eyes closed because it appears as if it’s resting peacefully, while others prefer to leave their pet’s eyes open because it makes them feel as if their cherished pet is still alive.
To some pet owners, having their pet preserved in such a manner is very similar to having a favorite stuffed animal, except it is your actual deceased pet. You can place your pet in one special place in your home or even take it from room to room with you, depending on your personal preference.
How Much is Pet Taxidermy?
Prices vary significantly for pet taxidermy, as it depends on the type and size of your pet. Of course, the larger your pet was, the more expensive professional taxidermy services will be. If your pet was a gerbil or hamster, then you would only have to pay a small amount to have your precious pet preserved. However, the exact price will depend on where you opt to have your pet preserved. Once you contact the taxidermist of your choice, a patient and caring specialist will assess your pet and then provide you with an estimate. You will know exactly how much the service will cost before the paperwork is finalized.
Is it Possible to Keep a Pet’s Organs?
If you opt for pet taxidermy, you might wonder if you could choose to keep the organs once they’re removed from your beloved pet. For an additional fee, your taxidermist would be more than happy to cremate your pet’s organs and place them in an urn for you to display in your home. Numerous pet owners opt to have their deceased pet’s entire body cremated and placed in an urn, but many of them realize too late that cremation simply isn’t enough. This is why so many pet owners opt for taxidermy along with cremation of the organs.
Why Does Taxidermy Take So Long?
When people lose their pets, they don’t want to wait months to have their pets’ bodies preserved through taxidermy. However, the process takes several months, depending on the size of the animal. The smaller the pet, the sooner the process can be completed so your pet can return home. If you’ve opted for pet taxidermy and you’re not sure you can get through those long months, then there are several things that you can do in the meantime. First of all, you can build a pet memorial and include pictures of your treasured pet, along with its favorite toys, blanket, etc. Each time you walk past the memorial, you are sure to feel a warm feeling in your heart, knowing that your pet will be with you again soon.
Taxidermy takes so long because it is a process. The animal must be skinned, and then the skin must be sent to an outside party for processing, and it must be shipped back before the taxidermist can continue with the procedure. Another reason that taxidermy takes so long is because of limited skilled staff as well as lack of adequate resources. Once you choose a taxidermist, you can ask for an estimate of how long it will take to have your pet’s body completed, but it would only be an estimate. Your pet’s body could be completed sooner or later than the date provided.
What Are the Benefits of Taxidermy?
There are many benefits of taxidermy, but the main benefit is the fact that you get to keep your pet with you for as long as you desire. For many grieving pet owners, this is a comforting relief that helps them heal from the loss of their pet a lot faster. Taxidermy can also provide beautiful art to help decorate your home. Have you ever seen a deer’s head mounted in someone’s home? Even though the deer likely wasn’t a pet, having your pet mounted in your home in such a manner can enhance your pet’s importance, so that you and your loved ones will always remember your precious pet.
So, should you decide that pet taxidermy is the best way for you to keep your pet with you for a lifetime, then you will obviously need to choose a reputable taxidermist. Animal Family Pet Preservation is a top-notch taxidermist who has many years of experience providing the absolute best service possible. Not only are their staff warm, patient, professional, and understanding, but their taxidermists provide high-quality, efficient work, and you will feel as if your beloved pet has never passed away once he or she is returned to you. Contact us today.
Categorised in: Pet Taxidermy
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