Seven Ways You Can Memorialize the Life of Your Pet

May 5, 2021 9:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Our pets are our constant companions. We often spend more time with them than we do with friends, family, and even our spouses. That is why it is so devastating when we lose our beloved pets. They are a key part of our lives, and the loss we feel when they pass is often equal to that of losing a loved one.

People mourn in a variety of different ways, but it is important to take the time to memorialize your favorite pet in the best way you see fit.

Pets come in many shapes and forms. Some people love birds, fish, dogs, cats, snakes, rabbits, ferrets, and even mice. The love you feel for any of these pets is real and they deserve a proper send-off after giving their human companions so much unadulterated love.

Here are a few ways that humans use that help them get through their grief.

Social Media Tribute

Many people will post a tribute and photos on their social media sites to convey the extent of their loss and what their pet meant to them.

Write an Obituary

You can include when you got your pets, its’ birthday, some of their favorite things like food, toys, activities. You can also share special moments, like places you and your pet have gone together and some of the things your pet helped you get through. This may include being ill, losing someone you love, etc. Many people share this with friends who knew the animal. This can be a cathartic exercise for many pet owners.

Plant a Flower or Tree in their Honor

You may wish to scatter ashes around the new tree, shrub, or flower you planted in their honor. Perhaps your pet dug a hole in your yard or laid in the shade under a tree. These are great places to memorialize them as well.

plant a flower or tree

Memorial Service

You can certainly hold a memorial service, especially if you do not want to be alone. Being with other people can bring together the support system you may need at a time like this.

Scrap Book

Put together a memory book or collage of photos that memorialize your pet. You may also want to have a favorite photo enlarged to hang in a special place in your home.

Donate to your Favorite Charity

You may choose a pet-themed charity (or any other charity) and donate in their name so that they are always remembered. At the same time, you will be giving back to others.


Have an artist sketch your pet or create some other form of artwork. If you do not know an artist and do not have the skills yourself, you can always design (or buy) a beautiful earn to keep their ashes. If they are ill, you can always get a plaster cast of their footprint for fond memories.

Pet Portraiture

Preserve Your Pet

Many wish to keep their pet with them forever. More and more people are opting for freeze-drying or using a taxidermist to process their pet. The result is so real you will think that your pet is right beside you. They can be posed just as they might be, laying down or in another comfortable position.


One option many take is to get another pet. While no pet can replace another, people often find great pleasure in getting another pet soon after they lose their precious pet. Loneliness can be intolerable, and in many cases, people need a source for all the love they have to share. Some people take their time before they move on and get another pet. Others find the pain so bad; they resist getting another right away. Still, others cannot wait to have another bundle of furry joy to help them get over their grief.

These are just a few ideas to help you memorialize them. What you decide will be based on your personal preference. No matter how you prefer to remember them, the way you choose should provide you with comfort.

At Animal Family Pet Preservation, We Understand Your Loss

As animal lovers ourselves, our team at Animal Family Pet Preservation understands the grief you are going through. That was why they started their company. Their goal is to help those that have lost their pet, have them back forever.

We pride ourselves in preserving your pet to look the same way they looked when they were in your life. We review photos and work our magic to ensure your pet looks the same as always. With our freeze-drying technique, you can brush your pets’ hair.

At Animal Family Pet Preservation, we are experts at preserving your beloved pet. If this is an option you are considering, contact our professionals to discuss how these preservation methods can help you process your grief.

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