Pet Taxidermy Pricing and Shipping

Whenever people call us desiring information about preserving their pets, the price will come up early in the conversation. This is understandable, but only a very small part of what you need to consider before making your decision. lifetime_guarantee_logo
Price alone should never be the sole consideration.

Our price structure is very simple.

Dogs/Cats/Rabbits/Birds/Iguana-add base $200, add habitat $100/Chickens by weight
Full Freeze Dry Preservation

Size Cost Notes Months
<1 lb $650 paid in full upon arrival (inc. ship/very small birds 4-6 months turnaround time)
1-2lbs $1250 50% deposit upon arrival, 25% 2nd payment, 25% final payment
2.05-6lbs $2,095 above listed payment plan
6-19lbs $2,095 +$49/lb above listed payment plan
>20lbs $2,681 +$69/lb above listed payment plan 6-8

Other Animals

Full Freeze Dry Preservation

Animal Time Cost
Bearded Dragon 4-6 months $850 (shipping included)
Chameleon 2-4 months $750 (you provide base, shipping included)
Gecko 2-4 months $650 (shipping included)
Hedgehog 4-6 months $950 (shipping included)
Rats/Ferrets, G. Pig/Chinchilla 4-6 months $950 (shipping included)
Snakes/Turtles 4-6 months $750 up to 1lb, after 1lb use cat/dog pricing above.
Small Birds 4-6 months .5lb $650, .55-1lb $995, 1.05-2lbs $1350 (wings extended +50% / flying + 100%). Over 2 ls, use cat/dog pricing (shipping included)

Skeletal Articulation

Animal Time Cost
Cats – Full Articulation (on a base) 6-8 months $3,500
Cats – Disarticulated 6-8 months $1,550
Dogs under 20lbs – Full Articulation (on a base) 6-8 months $4,000
Dogs 20-50lbs – Full Articulation (on a base) 6-8 months $5,000
Dogs over 50lbs – Full Articulation (on a base) 6-8 months $5,500
Dogs under 20lbs – Disarticulated 6-8 months $1,550
Dogs 20-50lbs – Disarticulated 6-8 months $1,595
Dogs over 50lbs – Disarticulated 6-8 months $1,950
Skull (Cat)(*Add-On) 4-6 months $500
Skull (Dog)(*Add-On) 4-6 months $500

Pelts (Tanning)

Animal Time Cost
Pets up to 6lbs 8-10 months $500
Pets more than 6 lbs 8-10 months $500 + $5 per lb over 6 lbs
Pads/ Claws on Tan $100 (Add-on)


Animal Cost
Cremation Inside Pet $100 Extra
FD Heart $150
FD Tail $250
FD Paw $150 (with keychains $175)
Whiskers $50 (mailed immediately)

Service Enhancements

Service Enhancements Cost
Preservation of Heart $150 (*Add-On)
Very Important Pet (VIP) Service plus 50% cost, 75% deposit due upon arrival, 6-8 weeks estimated completion
VIP Plus Service $500


Pose Add On to 10lbs to 30lbs to 75lbs
Open Mouth $250 $350 $450
Tongue Out $100 $150 $200


Shipping Price
Over 25lbs TBD
Eastern US $40
Western US $50
CA $60
AK $70

* Add on services can only be added on to a full pet preservation, pelt or articulation as applicable.
** Keep your pet separate from the rest with a personal freezer and dryer

At Animal Family, we realize that not every customer has the same expectations regarding Pet Preservation. And even though our turnaround time is half of our competitors, for many customers it is quite a shock to learn how long the process takes. That is why we offer our VIP service. We consistently run over 100 mounts in the queue. So essentially the VIP service gives you a pass to the front of the line. The turnaround time then will be 6-8 weeks versus 6-8 months. Not all pets are eligible, and we can only allow a limited number of VIP pets in the studio at a given time. The cost is an additional 50% for VIP service. Contact us for more information.


We DO NOT CHARGE more for eyes open, head raised. Return shipping (if applicable) is an extra charge. Any pet sitting up add 50%, walking add 100%. Prices are subject to change without notice. The fee for credit card use 3%.

No pet will be accepted without a non-refundable 50% deposit.

NO DEPOSIT POLICY – If no deposit is received after 3 days, your pet will lose its spot in the queue, and a 100% deposit is required to start work.
golden dog
CHANGED MIND POLICY – If no deposit is received and you wish to have your pet returned to you, the pet will be returned at the owner’s expense. There will be a handling fee of $500, in addition, to return shipping charges, if applicable. We are not responsible for any delays or damage incurred to your pet if you do not abide by our terms of deposit. No pet will be released for changed mind without the $500 handling fee paid in cash.

POOR CONDITION POLICY – When your pet is received, if it is in poor condition, we reserve the right to expedite the pet through our VIP program to process them quickly and prevent further deterioration. In this situation, there will be a handling fee of an additional 50%. Be sure to consult our “How Do I Get My Pet To You?” section below to help ensure your pet arrives in the best possible condition.

We do not wish to take advantage of people during their time of grief, that is why I always encourage you to call us either before, or a week after your pet passes, so that you can make a balanced decision based on facts, not on emotion.

A final word – there are not many PROFESSIONAL pet preservationists in the nation. There are many that are trying to break into it because they can make more money than they do on wild animals. Here is a good test: First….trust your gut. If you don’t like them on the phone, move on. Second….They should have a professional website with many quality pet photos. If they aren’t willing to put out some money and effort for a website, how can you trust them with your treasured pet? Third…Why would anyone who is established and trustworthy NOT want to clearly post their pet preservation prices on their website?

Call me at (740) 703-3937. I understand and am here to help.

Mark Maier

Mark Maier, Owner

How do I get my pet to you?

At Animal Family Pet Preservation, We have found that for our pet customers, shipping is often the most difficult part of the process. We have tried to make it easier for you by recommending the following options:

Drive your pet to our studio.
We are located just south of Columbus, Ohio. That is an 8-hour drive (or less) from over 50% of the American population. Our customers have driven here from every state that borders Ohio. Also, New York, Missouri, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, even Florida! We have a professional, commercial building with regular hours and easy interstate access off I-35 and US 23, there are also hotels and restaurants within 5 miles to meet any need and budget.
Let us send you a “pet box”.
It will contain instructions for you and return shipping labels. All you have to do is drop your pet into the prepared packaging and return. The cost for this service is $150, plus the cost of shipping both ways.
Ship it yourself.
CALL US first so that we can advise you on how to do this. It’s really very simple. The most difficult part is saying goodbye to your pet.

See How To Ship Your Pet to Us

Payment Plans are Available!

Pay only 50% up front, 25% halfway through, and 25% upon completion.